Friday, April 03, 2009

Because I didn't have enough projects...

I realized recently that the 'play count' on iTunes isn't quite as useful as I'd like it to be in determining how much I actually like a song - a song that I've had on my playlist since January and have listed to 20 times isn't necessarily as popular as one that's been on there for three days and has 15 plays. What I need is an average plays/day count. Ideally, there would be something I could just plug into iTunes to accomplish this. I've found lots of iTunes add-ons, but none of them seem to do quite what I want (though the one to categorize your music by assigning colors to each song was interesting - a little synaesthetic, but interesting.). Thus, I go forth to fix up something in Excel to import my iTunes data into. In a perfect world, I'd have the time to write an actual plug-in (correction: in a perfect world, someone would have already written such a thing for me). And then I want to make some shiny little charts, and sift out little strange bits of data to play with. Because I'm just weird like that.

Also, we're now three days into Script Frenzy, and as you can see, I am busily coming up with anything and everything possible to distract me from actually writing something...

Now playing: Marilyn Manson - Personal Jesus
via FoxyTunes


Cherith said...

This is part of why I love Their plug-in just records everything I listen to, all day, every day from Winamp or iTunes (not that I use the latter much). But now, I can look back over the past few years and figure what songs I've listened to absolutely the most, or just in the past few months. (It also gives tops for Artist, not just Tracks.) You should be able to see mine here:
and here:

Cherith said...

I should also mention, that my charts are compiled with over 65,000 plays, so they're little more complete than a new persons are going to be.

Inara said...

Yeah, I'm on too, I just haven't bothered to use it since I had a job where I could listen to it at work. The scrobbler kind of kept killing my computer anyway. I basically want my DeviantArt gallery stats, only for my music.

Cherith said...

I don't usually listen to music through, I just have the plug-in for Winamp and iTunes where it scrobbles my music as I listen to it. I've never had a problem with it killing my computer, although occasionally if I pause my music too often it stops scrobbling.